Making Disciples. Teaching Truth.


Making Disciples. Teaching Truth.

We exist as a biblical institute for the purpose of training others so that they in turn will go on to train more. The apostle Paul shared this passion when he tells Timothy, “…and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Tim 2:2). 

The pursuit of education and knowledge centers around the calling to teach others. We continue to learn so that we can continue to teach and we encourage others to continue "further up and further in" with us. We endeavor to equip fellow believers who share this passion and call. 

If you have heard the call to equip the saints then begin to answer it by attending Northeast Biblical Institute.


Our Next Class:

ESCHATOLOGY - Winter 2025

Explore the profound and often debated themes of Biblical Eschatology in this in-depth course. The study of Eschatology—the doctrine of the "end times"—is crucial for understanding the Bible’s teachings on the final events of human history, the return of Christ, and the ultimate destiny of the world and humanity. This class will examine key Biblical passages from both the Old and New Testaments, focusing on prophetic literature, the nature of Christ’s Second Coming, the judgment, the millennium, the rapture, and the new heaven and new earth. 

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of different theological interpretations, from premillennialism to amillennialism, postmillennialism, and beyond. We will also address practical implications for the believer's life, ethics, and hope in light of God's ultimate plan for creation.

Through lectures, discussions, and careful exegesis of Holy Scripture, this course aims to equip students with a balanced, thoughtful, and biblically grounded perspective on the future and how it shapes Christian faith and practice today.

This is a 6-week class that runs from JANUary 14 – FEBRUARY 18, 2025



We intend and are committed to see that every one of our students is trained and encouraged to become fully devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ!